Tuesday, March 31, 2009

window ledges and other high places

tuesday, april 7th: the u of w's creative writing grad students (myself included) will be celebrating the end of the term (and for some the end of their MA degrees) with a gala reading @ PHOG from 7:30-9.

come listen to new fiction and pick up your free (FREE!) copy of "Window Ledges and Other High Places," a chapbook assembled by this year's grad creative writing class.

also, don't forget about the english dept. social tomorrow (wednesday) and the black moss book launch this thursday @ Elias deli. arrive early.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

april fool's

wednesday, april 1st: u of w's english department spring social ("isn't english department social an oxymoron?"- danielle) @ the ambassador room (2nd floor CAW) from 4:30-7pm, featuring readings by Nicole Markotic, Andre Narbonne and u of w's writer-in-residence M. Nourbese Philip! "Drinks, Food and Refreshments Served-- Free Admission!" (i'm interested to see what other refreshments there will be besides drinks and food.) let the social awkwardness ensue!
i'd link you to the eng. dept. website here, but the upcoming events section is blank.

in other news... jutting out of my mailbox when i came home from school today was a manila envelope containing filling station's issue 44, featuring yours truly for the first time between a spine. should be available in chapter's soonish, if anyone is interested.

i feel quite motivated to bust out the manila and SASE's again.

tic x tac x type.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

thursday, march 26th: undergraduate creative writing gala reading @ katzman lounge (u of w). doors @ 7:15. 44 creative writers x 2 minute readings: the literary equivalent of speed dating! cash bar and free finger food. bring your friends and your short attention spans!

Monday, March 23, 2009

book launch your bones

monday, march 30th: Jeff Lemire reading @ vanier hall (oak room) @ 7:30.

thursday, april 2nd:
"book launch your bones." a double book launch! Marilyn Gear Pilling will be reading @ elias deli @ 7pm, in support of her newest publication The Bones of the World Begin to Show (black moss press). she is also the author of The Life of the Four Stomachs and Cleavage: A Life in Breasts. Gear Pilling will be joined by Roger Bell, who is launching You Tell Me (black moss). he is the author of The Pissing Women of Lafontaine and When the Devil Calls. hang out, be entertained, support canadian literary talent.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

happy qwerty-ing.

the Lance gets artsy.

the Lance is currently accepting submissions of "poetry, prose, erotica, photography, artwork, etc." for their spring arts issue. submit to uwlance@uwindsor.ca by march 26th.

(the genre of erotica gets its own heading, really?)

wanting to publish?
Janine Morris will "write your wrongs." Janine is a fabulous freelance editor here in windsor, who you can consult @ ja9_morris@hotmail.com. just look at her pretty business card (spots and smudges courtesy of my wallet).

tic x tac x type.

Monday, March 16, 2009

i love windsor

literary events happening in windsor this week:
(because the u of w rarely updates their english department website.)

tuesday, march 17th (yes, st. patrick's day):
launch of the spring 2009 issue of Generations Magazine (a student-run publication out of the University of Windsor) @ PHOG 6:45-8pm; come check out readings by the contributors before you drink yourself into irish oblivion.

thursday, march 19th: Kyle Buckley reading @ the u of w (vanier hall, 4pm). His first poetry collection, The Laundromat Essay is out now: "The Laundromat Essay is a spiralling poem about the pathology of forgetting, a poetic narrative of credible absurdity and dazzling interest."
and he has fun glasses. exciting!

other art events happening in windsor:

friday, march 20th: Build & Burn (art show) reception @ the lebel gallery (u of w) 7pm, featuring Jason Deary, Taylor Pilote, Elizabeth Lojewski, and Elizabeth Mclachlan, with Furs DJing. the show is a stunning jumble of the most lovely bits and pieces, odds and ends...oh, and cars and bed frames! this is the type of art that makes you want to go yardsale hunting on your bicycle in the summertime. their talent makes me swoon. if you can't make it friday, go there right now; it's up all week.

a week of delights for eyes and ears!

anything else happening this week?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

it is fun to mope!

if you are a writer, artist, or photographer (and really, who isn't?), you should head over to http://www.mopemagazine.com/. the resurrected brainchild of the fabulous cara giagnocavo is currently under construction, but is accepting submissions while it awaits its launch.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

freudian psychoanalytic theory

this is a story - a true story, perhaps a cliched story.
it begins in high school - tenth grade - a class called "careers."
the setting is easily imagined - a classroom: desks in rows, a blackboard, a map on the wall.
i am the protagonist. i am mainly characterized by the presence of the tightly wound bun on the top of my head, also a debilitating shyness and tendency to blush.
the antagonist is a boy who sits behind me. he is characterized by his tenth grade charisma and affable nature.
the climax is quickly approaching.
i suppose we need a rising action first. okay, he makes fun of me a little bit. pokes me with a pencil or something, makes me do his homework. i barely speak, keep my head down.
the climax is unexpected - or perhaps not. he pokes his finger into the hole of my bun, sticks his index finger into the coils of my tightly wound hair, hair still wet from the shower. he pokes his finger in and out. in and out. all the while i do not speak, keep my head down.
the denouement is short: he gets bored and takes his finger out of the hole.