Monday, March 16, 2009

i love windsor

literary events happening in windsor this week:
(because the u of w rarely updates their english department website.)

tuesday, march 17th (yes, st. patrick's day):
launch of the spring 2009 issue of Generations Magazine (a student-run publication out of the University of Windsor) @ PHOG 6:45-8pm; come check out readings by the contributors before you drink yourself into irish oblivion.

thursday, march 19th: Kyle Buckley reading @ the u of w (vanier hall, 4pm). His first poetry collection, The Laundromat Essay is out now: "The Laundromat Essay is a spiralling poem about the pathology of forgetting, a poetic narrative of credible absurdity and dazzling interest."
and he has fun glasses. exciting!

other art events happening in windsor:

friday, march 20th: Build & Burn (art show) reception @ the lebel gallery (u of w) 7pm, featuring Jason Deary, Taylor Pilote, Elizabeth Lojewski, and Elizabeth Mclachlan, with Furs DJing. the show is a stunning jumble of the most lovely bits and pieces, odds and ends...oh, and cars and bed frames! this is the type of art that makes you want to go yardsale hunting on your bicycle in the summertime. their talent makes me swoon. if you can't make it friday, go there right now; it's up all week.

a week of delights for eyes and ears!

anything else happening this week?

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